Club Med, lavoro nel settore turistico

Titolo: Tourism In Popular Egyptian Holiday Destination Sharm El Sheik

Descrizione: SHARM EL SHEIKH, EGYPT - OCTOBER 26: A family walk past the swimming pool at a high end resort on October 26, 2013 in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Sharm el-Sheikh, lying on the Red Sea coast in Egypt's South Sinai governorate, is one of Egypt's most popular destinations for tourists. Egypt's tourist industry has struggled since a popular uprising overthrew President Hosni Mubarak in early 2011, and tourist numbers have taken a further dive since the Egyptian Military's overthrow of the country's first democratically elected President, Mohammed Morsi in July 2013. Sharm el-Sheikh, popular for its beachfront resorts and water sports including SCUBA diving, has faired better than some other tourist spots in the Egypt, with major hotels reporting roughly 20% occupancy during the resort's busy summer season. (Photo by Ed Giles/Getty Images).

Crediti immagine: acintosh) - © 2013:10:28 12:43:02

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