Concorso laureati in Biotecnologie Farmaceutiche a Napoli


Descrizione: TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY ESTELLE EMONET A biologist specialized in nanotechnologies studies brain cells with a microscope on October 29, 2012 in Clinatec's/Edmond J. Safra research center new building in Grenoble, eastern France. Clinatec, backed by the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission and Grenoble' public hospital was granted this summer the authorization by the National Security Agency of Medicines and Health Products to conduct its first experiments on human beings following a five-year research. The program consists of surgically implanting electrodes into the primary motor cortex of a quadriplegic's brain, the part of the brain that governs movement, thus activating a robotized arm or a leg. AFP PHOTO / JEAN-PIERRE CLATOT (Photo credit should read JEAN PIERRE CLATOT/AFP/Getty Images)

Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2012 AFP

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