Concorso Ricercatore in Astrofisica Spaziale a Bologna

Titolo: Hubble-X Gas Cloud Space Image

Descrizione: 383909 01: This Hubble space telescope image released January 4, 2001 shows the Hubble-X, a glowing gas cloud in one of the most active star-forming regions in galaxy NGC 6822. The galaxy lies 1.6 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius, one of the Milky Way's closest neighbors. This hotbed of star birth is similar to the fertile regions in the Orion Nebula in our Milky Way Galaxy, but on a vastly greater scale. The intense star birth in Hubble-X occurred about 4 million years ago, a small fraction of the approximate 10-billion-year age of the universe. (Photo by NASA/Newsmakers)

Crediti immagine: Getty Images

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