Concorso Ricercatori a Firenze


Descrizione: TO GO WITH AFP STORY by Ljubomir MILASIN A picture taken on July 17, 2012 shows researchers Sandro Parlanti (L) and Silvia Gonzali checking cultures of anti tsunami plants,a special plant capable of continuing to live under water for 48 hours, at the Plant Laboratory of the Italian University St. Anna School in Pisa. A bionic hand controlled by the brain or an exoskeleton that allows a rescue worker to lift alone a wall crushing the victim of an earthquake: these innovations are not science fiction but indeed exist in Pisa, Tuscany. The Graduate School Sant'Anna of Pisa (SSSA), which includes six research institutes, has already developed two prototypes but also a robot capable of overcoming obstacles, another that recycles garbage or one that has the form of an octopus. The school also works on tomatoes anti-aging and studying plants that can survive under water. AFP PHOTO / FABIO MUZZI (Photo credit should read FABIO MUZZI/AFP/GettyImages)

Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2012 AFP

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