GAP, nota catena di abbigliamento americana, assume: come candidarsi

Titolo: New West End - Boxing Day Sales on Oxford Street - December 26, 2011

Descrizione: LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - DECEMBER 26: Boxing Day, 2011 ? with thousands of eager sales hunters descending into the West End as early as Christmas Day in the first three hours of trading retailers reported £15 million had already rung through the tills, leaving them optimistic that a stonking £50 million is set to be made, dubbing it ?Mega Monday? as an anticipated 700,000 international and domestic shoppers flood into the Oxford Street area and at Selfridges on December 26, 2011 in London, England. (Photo by Stuart Wilson/Getty Images for New West End Company)

Crediti immagine: Stuart Wilson - © 2011 Getty Images

Scattata con: NIKON D3

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