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Titolo: Humanitarian Efforts Continue Following Devastating Super Typhoon

Descrizione: LEYTE, PHILIPPINES - NOVEMBER 14: <> on November 14, 2013 in Leyte, Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan which ripped through Philippines over the weekend has been described as on of the most powerful typhoons ever to hit land, leaving thousands dead and hundreds of thousands homeless. Countries all over the world have pledged relief aid to help support those affected by the typhoon however damage to the airport and roads have made moving the aid into the most affected areas very difficult. With dead bodies left out in the open air and very limited food, water and shelter, health concerns are growing. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

Crediti immagine: Dan Kitwood - © 2013 Getty Images

Scattata con: Canon EOS-1D X

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