Lavorare all’estero? 75 borse di studio per architetti


Descrizione: TO GO WITH AFP STORY IN FRENCH BY MIHAELA RODINA --- Loredana Stasisin, an architecture student, is pictured next to a decrepit building in Bucharest on August 8, 2008. Loredana and a group of colleagues from Bucharest Architectural Institute are involved in a project called "The crying houses" aiming to catch the public eye on the charming old parts of the Romania's main city. The Romanian Ministry of Culture announced on August 6, 2008 the beginning of a 250 million euro rebuilding project supported by the European Council's Bank for Development. Among other buildings, The National Opera and The Arts History museum from Bucharest, National Theatre from Iasi city and French Library from Craiova city will be restored. AFP PHOTO / DANIEL MIHAILESCU (Photo credit should read DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AFP/Getty Images)

Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2008 AFP

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