Lavorare con Johnson & Johnson, ecco come e di cosa si tratta

Titolo: (FILES) Picture taken 08 February 2002 s

Descrizione: HAMBURG, Germany: (FILES) Picture taken 08 February 2002 shows Nivea cream tins filled with cream on the assembly line at the Beiersdorf headquarters in Hamburg where the world famous cream is produced. The race to take over Beiersdorf, could enter its final straight 15 October 2003 as a consortium of German investors, led by coffee roaster Tchibo, sit downs with Allianz to discuss the fate of the insurance giant''s stake in the consumer products group. AFP PHOTO DDP/JOERN POLLEX GERMANY OUT (Photo credit should read JOERN POLLEX/AFP/Getty Images)

Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2003 AFP

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