Lavorare nel mondo del real estate? Frimm assume: come fare richiesta


Descrizione: This picture taken on September 26, 2013 shows a house which, according to witnesses, a British woman thought to be linked to the Nairobi mall attacks rented for 3 months and assumed South African identity to take out bank loans and rent property in Bromhof, Randburg, Johannesburg. Samantha Lewthwaite -- wanted by Kenyan police for alleged involvement in a separate terror plot -- used the known alias Natalie Faye Webb to rent at least three properties and run up debts of $8,600 (6,400 euros), according to the eNews Channel Africa (eNCA). The 29-year-old Muslim convert -- nicknamed the "White Widow" because her husband was among the 2005 London suicide bombers -- signed rental leases around Johannesburg, but it was unclear whether she lived at any of the premises. AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN (Photo credit should read STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN/AFP/Getty Images)

Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2013 AFP

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