Nuove opportunità lavorative con Google: come candidarsi


Descrizione: Sundar Pichai, Senior Vice President of Android, Chrome and Apps for Google, speaks at a media event at Dogpatch Studios on July 24, 2013 in San Francisco, California. Google on Wednesday unveiled a slim, powerful new Nexus tablet computer and a thumb-drive sized device that lets popular mobile gadgets feed online content to television sets. The ramped-up second-generation Nexus 7 by Taiwan-based Asus made its debut along with a two-inch long Chromecast gizmo that plugs into television sets to let people easily route online content to big screens." All you have to do is plug it in to any HDMI input on a TV, connect to home Wi-Fi and you are ready to kick back and watch," said Mario Queiroz, head of Google TV. "Chromecast won't clutter your entertainment cabinet," he continued. "It simply disappears behind your TV once it is plugged in." The Chrome-based device went on sale for $35 online at Google play and websites for Amazon and Best Buy in the United States. AFP Photo/JOSH EDELSON (Photo credit should read Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images)

Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2013 AFP

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