Roma School SRL cerca laureati in Lingue: come inviare il curriculum


Descrizione: TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY ROBIN MILLARD A picture shows a mug on a desk at the headquarters of Superfast Cornwall, funded by the European Union's biggest single investment in high speed broadband infrastructure, in Cornwall on November 13, 2012. Britain is one of the richest members of the European Union and a net contributor to the budget. The 2014 to 2020 budget being set to be a bitter fight between EU leaders when they meet in Brussels on November 22. Cornwall, Britain's most south-westerly county has benefited from EU development funds giving it rural Europe's largest superfast broadband network. AFP PHOTO / JUSTIN TALLIS (Photo credit should read JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP/Getty Images)

Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2012 AFP

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