Grandi opportunità in Cofidis: come fare richiesta e candidarsi

Titolo: A woman uses the Samsung Galaxy Note in

Descrizione: A woman uses the Samsung Galaxy Note in New York on August 15, 2012. Samsung on Wednesday unveiled the Galaxy Note tablet designed to make a more personal connection with users and aiming to knock Apple's iPad off its market throne. A key feature of the Galaxy Note 10.1 was a sophisticated "S Pen" that can be used as if it were a pen on paper or a computer mouse. Note 10.1 tablets are powered by Google's latest generation Android software and feature powerful quad-core processors as well as two gigabytes of RAM for quick handling of videos, games and other graphics rich content. AFP PHOTO Don EMMERT (Photo credit should read DON EMMERT/AFP/GettyImages)

Crediti immagine: AFP/Getty Images - © 2012 AFP

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